Living in a Material World: The Emerging Danger of Small Plastics

December 14, 2023
A headshot of Alexa D'Addario. She is wearing a black top and blue necklace, and she has long brown hair. She is smiling.
Alexa D'Addario

by Alexa D'Addario, (ComSciCon- National Flagship, 2023)

There is a threat lurking among us, an invisible threat that has been around us for over one hundred years. You may not see it, but it’s all around you; in the food you eat, the water you drink, the air you breathe and your body itself. The threat? Cold, hard, shiny plastic. How did this once revolutionary material that is used in just about everything and has allowed us to deliver packages, drive cars and spend precious time with loved ones become such an emerging and prevalent threat? Watch the video below to find out:


A headshot of Alexa D'Addario. She is wearing a black top and blue necklace, and she has long brown hair. She is smiling.
Alexa D'Addario

Alexa received both a Master of Science and Master of Journalism degree from Carleton University and Ryerson University (now Toronto Metropolitan University). Her research has been featured in the Marine Pollution Bulletin, Environmental Conservation and the Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, and her writing in The Canadian Science Policy Centre and The Hill Times. Alexa enjoys learning about the environment, animals and fossils, and communicating that information to others. When she’s not doing research or writing, you can find her reading, practicing martial arts, and making dated pop culture references no one understands. 

Twitter/Instagram/TikTok: @AlexaJetta